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New Patients

New Patient appointments are scheduled on Monday mornings at 10:15am and generally last 1.5 hours. These appointments are scheduled with the patient’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The child/adolescent is not present at the initial appointment. If you need to cancel your appointment, please contact the office as soon as possible but no later than one week prior to your appointment. This will give our staff ample time to try to fill the appointment with another patient.

Please bring any important reports or evaluations completed by other clinicians or schools. Also, please bring reports cards from the past three years, standardized test results, and warning/incident reports that may be in your possession.

Be prepared to schedule the necessary appointments to complete the evaluation at the conclusion of this appointment. Please bring your personal and the school calendars to coordinate appointments.

Current Patients

Once the evaluation is completed and the results are reported to the parents/guardians, a child/adolescent feedback session will occur to explain in an age appropriate manner the findings of the evaluation and explain your child’s strengths and weaknesses. This lays the groundwork for your child/adolescent’s understanding of their problems. Then, a series of psycho-educational and insight-oriented sessions will be scheduled. These are generally completed within 4-6 visits and include 3-5 parent visits as well. This is in addition to any counseling sessions that may be required.  After this initial therapy is completed your child/adolescent will be seen no less than quarterly for ADHD and Learning Disabled diagnoses and monthly for an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis. This is required to remain a patient as it is imperative that we are well versed on your child’s current status. This also allows for a pro-active/preventative approach to be exercised.

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Simply Fill Out The Information Below and Schedule Your Appointment Today

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