

  • To make appointment, please call(716) 259-ADHD (2343) or Email Patricia Cosgrove BSW, Clinical Assistant at

– Professional advocate to assist in the development of appropriate educational planning at the school and CSE level.

– Provide information pertinent to specific problems/strengths of the individual child, as determined by the psychological evaluation.

– Provide an independent source of information regarding NYS and Federal regulations relating to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

– Provide direct advocacy at the CSE and school building level.

– Provide assistance with follow-up subsequent to CSE/school planning.

ADULT CONSULTATIONS-Post High School (via video chat or telephone)

Focus is on psychoeducation and insight regarding the individuals neurodevelopmental issues along with coping and management strategies. This includes, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders (Aspergers), and learning disabilities including dyslexia and Nonverbal Learning Disorders. Strategies will focus on practical, everyday methods to assist with organization, planning, time perception, and task completion deficits. These sessions may or may not be linked to executive function coaching sessions with Mrs. Cosgrove.

PARENT CONSULTATIONS (via video chat or telephone)

Assisting parents with appraisal of their child to determine if they require further professional evaluation and treatment. Discussion of difficulties experienced by your child at home, at school, and socially with the goal of providing parents with appropriate recommendations for services and accommodations for your child.


For individuals who are having difficulty finding the proper appraisal for multi-issue problems such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (including Aspergers), ADHD, Nonverbal Learning Disability, and Learning Disabilities (including dyslexia) OR for a second opinion regarding the above.

Court Related Evaluations (limited basis)

To make appointment, please call(716) 259-ADHD (2343) or Email Patricia F. Cosgrove BSW – Clinical Assistant, at


To make appointment, please call(716) 259-ADHD (2343) or Email Patricia F. Cosgrove BSW – Clinical Assistant, at

Working with students (online or in person) enrolled in a college or university program to assist with task completion, time perception deficits, monitoring and tracking long-term assignments, establishment of self-appraisal mechanisms, and test preparation management.

Frequency determined by individual needs. Initial frequency of sessions is generally greater until a management program is well established.

To make a payment for any amount, please click below.